Django Framework

Django framework has a little more support since this application was derived from django-social-auth. Here are some details on configuring this application on Django.


From pypi:

$ pip install social-auth-app-django

And for MongoEngine ORM:

$ pip install social-auth-app-django-mongoengine

Register the application

The Django built-in app comes with two ORMs, one for default Django ORM and another for MongoEngine ORM.

Add the application to INSTALLED_APPS setting, for default ORM:


And for MongoEngine ORM:


Also ensure to define the MongoEngine storage setting:

SOCIAL_AUTH_STORAGE = 'social_django_mongoengine.models.DjangoStorage'


(For Django 1.7 and higher) sync database to create needed models:

./ migrate

Authentication backends

Add desired authentication backends to Django’s AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS setting:


Take into account that backends must be defined in AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS or Django won’t pick them when trying to authenticate the user.

Don’t miss django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend if using django.contrib.auth application or users won’t be able to login by username / password method.

URLs entries

Add URLs entries:

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    url('', include('social_django.urls', namespace='social'))

In case you need a custom namespace, this setting is also needed:



Example of google-oauth2 backend usage in template:

<a href="{% url "social:begin" "google-oauth2" %}">Google+</a>

Template Context Processors

There’s a context processor that will add backends and associations data to template context:


backends context processor will load a backends key in the context with three entries on it:

It’s a list of UserSocialAuth instances related with the currently logged in user. Will be empty if there’s no current user.
A list of available backend names not associated with the current user yet. If there’s no user logged in, it will be a list of all available backends.
A list of all available backend names.


As detailed above the built-in Django application supports default ORM and MongoEngine ORM.

When using MongoEngine make sure you’ve followed the instructions for MongoEngine Django integration, as you’re now utilizing that user model. The MongoEngine_ backend was developed and tested with version 0.6.10 of MongoEngine_.

Alternate storage models implementations currently follow a tight pattern of models that behave near or identical to Django ORM models. It is currently not decoupled from this pattern by any abstraction layer. If you would like to implement your own alternate, please see the social_django.models and social_django_mongoengine.models modules for guidance.

Exceptions Middleware

A base middleware is provided that handles SocialAuthBaseException by providing a message to the user via the Django messages framework, and then responding with a redirect to a URL defined in one of the middleware methods.

The middleware is at social_django.middleware.SocialAuthExceptionMiddleware. Any method can be overridden, but for simplicity these two are recommended:

get_message(request, exception)
get_redirect_uri(request, exception)

By default, the message is the exception message and the URL for the redirect is the location specified by the LOGIN_ERROR_URL setting.

If a valid backend was detected by strategy() decorator, it will be available at request.strategy.backend and process_exception() will use it to build a backend-dependent redirect URL but fallback to default if not defined.

Exception processing is disabled if any of this settings is defined with a True value:

DEBUG = True

The redirect destination will get two GET parameters:

message = ''
Message from the exception raised, in some cases it’s the message returned by the provider during the auth process.
backend = ''
Backend name that was used, if it was a valid backend.

The middleware will attempt to use the Django built-in messages application to store the exception message, and tag it with social-auth and the backend name. If the application is not enabled, or a MessageFailure error happens, the app will default to the URL format described above.

Django Admin

The default application (not the MongoEngine one) contains an module that will be auto-discovered by the usual mechanism.

But, by the nature of the application which depends on the existence of a user model, it’s easy to fall in a recursive import ordering making the application fail to load. This happens because the admin module will build a set of fields to populate the search_fields property to search for related users in the administration UI, but this requires the user model to be retrieved which might not be defined at that time.

To avoid this issue define the following setting to circumvent the import error:


For example:

SOCIAL_AUTH_ADMIN_USER_SEARCH_FIELDS = ['username', 'first_name', 'email']

The fields listed must be user models fields.

It’s also possible to define more search fields, not directly related to the user model by definig the following setting:

SOCIAL_AUTH_ADMIN_SEARCH_FIELDS = ['field1', 'field2']