
Seznam supports OAuth2 for developers to authenticate users for their apps. The documentation for the API can be found at Seznam OAuth documentation. This backend also provides additional configuration options to support slightly different enterprise versions.

  1. Register a new application at Application management, set the redirect_uri to, replacing with your domain.

  2. Fill client_id and client_secret values in the settings:

    SOCIAL_AUTH_SEZNAM_OAUTH2_KEY = '<client_id>'
    SOCIAL_AUTH_SEZNAM_OAUTH2_SECRET = '<client_secret>'
  • If you would like to access some additional information from the user, you can set the SOCIAL_AUTH_SEZNAM_OAUTH2_SCOPE setting to a list of extra scopes that are supported according to the scope documentation. For example, to request access to the user’s phone number and avatar:

    SOCIAL_AUTH_SEZNAM_OAUTH2_SCOPE = ['contact-phone', 'avatar']

User ID

Seznam recommends the use of oauth_user_id as the user identifier instead of some immutable data as username or email because it can impose security risks if the user changes it. For that reason oauth_user_id is used by default, but for compatibility with the enterprise backed version, you can override this behavior by setting: