Exceptions ========== This set of exceptions were introduced to describe the situations a bit more than just the ``ValueError`` usually raised. ``SocialAuthBaseException`` Base class for all social auth exceptions. ``AuthException`` Base exception class for authentication process errors. ``AuthFailed`` Authentication failed for some reason. ``AuthCanceled`` Authentication was canceled by the user. ``AuthUnknownError`` An unknown error stopped the authentication process. ``AuthTokenError`` Unauthorized or access token error, it was invalid, impossible to authenticate or user removed permissions to it. ``AuthMissingParameter`` A needed parameter to continue the process was missing, usually raised by the services that need some POST data like myOpenID. ``AuthAlreadyAssociated`` A different user has already associated the social account that the current user is trying to associate. ``WrongBackend`` Raised when the backend given in the URLs is invalid (not enabled or registered). ``NotAllowedToDisconnect`` Raised on disconnect action when it's not safe for the user to disconnect the social account, probably because the user lacks a password or another social account. ``AuthStateMissing`` The state parameter is missing from the server response. ``AuthStateForbidden`` The state parameter returned by the server is not the one sent. ``AuthTokenRevoked`` Raised when the user revoked the access_token in the provider. ``AuthUnreachableProvider`` Raised when server couldn't communicate with backend. These are a subclass of ``ValueError`` to keep backward compatibility.