Configuration ============= Application setup ----------------- Once the application is installed (check Installation_) define the following settings to enable the application behavior. Also check the sections dedicated to each framework for detailed instructions. Settings name ------------- Almost all settings are prefixed with ``SOCIAL_AUTH_``, there are some exceptions for Django framework like ``AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS``. All settings can be defined per-backend by adding the backend name to the setting name, like ``SOCIAL_AUTH_TWITTER_LOGIN_URL``. Settings discovery is done by reducing the name starting with the backend setting, then the app setting, and finally the global setting, for example:: SOCIAL_AUTH_TWITTER_LOGIN_URL SOCIAL_AUTH_LOGIN_URL LOGIN_URL The backend name is generated from the ``name`` attribute from the backend class by uppercasing it and replacing ``-`` with ``_``. Keys and secrets ---------------- - Set up needed OAuth keys (see OAuth_ section for details):: SOCIAL_AUTH_TWITTER_KEY = 'foobar' SOCIAL_AUTH_TWITTER_SECRET = 'bazqux' OpenID backends don't require keys usually, but some need some API Key to call any API on the provider. Check Backends_ sections for details. Authentication backends ----------------------- Register the backends you plan to use, on Django framework use the usual ``AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS`` settings, for others, define ``SOCIAL_AUTH_AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS``:: SOCIAL_AUTH_AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ( 'social_core.backends.open_id.OpenIdAuth', '', '', '', 'social_core.backends.twitter.TwitterOAuth', '', ... ) URLs options ------------ These URLs are used on different steps of the auth process, some for successful results and others for error situations. ``SOCIAL_AUTH_LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = '/logged-in/'`` Used to redirect the user once the auth process ended successfully. The value of ``?next=/foo`` is used if it was present ``SOCIAL_AUTH_LOGIN_ERROR_URL = '/login-error/'`` URL where the user will be redirected in case of an error ``SOCIAL_AUTH_LOGIN_URL = '/login-url/'`` Is used as a fallback for ``LOGIN_ERROR_URL`` ``SOCIAL_AUTH_NEW_USER_REDIRECT_URL = '/new-users-redirect-url/'`` Used to redirect new registered users, will be used in place of ``SOCIAL_AUTH_LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL`` if defined. Note that ``?next=/foo`` is appended if present, if you want new users to go to next, you'll need to do it yourself. ``SOCIAL_AUTH_NEW_ASSOCIATION_REDIRECT_URL = '/new-association-redirect-url/'`` Like ``SOCIAL_AUTH_NEW_USER_REDIRECT_URL`` but for new associated accounts (user is already logged in). Used in place of ``SOCIAL_AUTH_LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL`` ``SOCIAL_AUTH_DISCONNECT_REDIRECT_URL = '/account-disconnected-redirect-url/'`` The user will be redirected to this URL when a social account is disconnected ``SOCIAL_AUTH_INACTIVE_USER_URL = '/inactive-user/'`` Inactive users can be redirected to this URL when trying to authenticate. Successful URLs will default to ``SOCIAL_AUTH_LOGIN_URL`` while error URLs will fallback to ``SOCIAL_AUTH_LOGIN_ERROR_URL``. User model ---------- ``UserSocialAuth`` instances keep a reference to the ``User`` model of your project, since this is not known, the ``User`` model must be configured by a setting:: SOCIAL_AUTH_USER_MODEL = '' ``User`` model must have a ``username`` and ``email`` field, these are required. Also an ``is_authenticated`` and ``is_active`` boolean flags are recommended, these can be methods if necessary (must return ``True`` or ``False``). If the model lacks them a ``True`` value is assumed. Tweaking some fields length --------------------------- Some databases impose limitations on index columns (like MySQL InnoDB). These limitations won't play nice on some ``UserSocialAuth`` fields. To avoid such errors, define some of the following settings. ``SOCIAL_AUTH_UID_LENGTH = `` Used to define the max length of the field `uid`. A value of 223 should work when using MySQL InnoDB which impose a 767 bytes limit (assuming UTF-8 encoding). ``SOCIAL_AUTH_NONCE_SERVER_URL_LENGTH = `` ``Nonce`` model has a unique constraint over ``('server_url', 'timestamp', 'salt')``, salt has a max length of 40, so ``server_url`` length must be tweaked using this setting. ``SOCIAL_AUTH_ASSOCIATION_SERVER_URL_LENGTH = `` or ``SOCIAL_AUTH_ASSOCIATION_HANDLE_LENGTH = `` ``Association`` model has a unique constraint over ``('server_url', 'handle')``, both fields lengths can be tweaked by these settings. Username generation ------------------- Some providers return a username, others just an ID or email or first and last names. The application tries to build a meaningful username when possible but defaults to generating one if needed. A UUID is appended to usernames in case of collisions. Here are some settings to control username generation. ``SOCIAL_AUTH_UUID_LENGTH = 16`` This controls the length of the UUID appended to usernames. ``SOCIAL_AUTH_USERNAME_IS_FULL_EMAIL = True`` If you want to use the full email address as the ``username``, define this setting. ``SOCIAL_AUTH_SLUGIFY_USERNAMES = False`` For those that prefer slugged usernames, the ``get_username`` pipeline can apply a slug transformation (code borrowed from Django project) by defining this setting to ``True``. The feature is disabled by default to not force this option to all projects. ``SOCIAL_AUTH_CLEAN_USERNAMES = True`` By default `a set of regular expressions`_ are applied over usernames to clean them from usual undesired characters like spaces. Set this setting to ``False`` to disable this behavior. ``SOCIAL_AUTH_CLEAN_USERNAME_FUNCTION = None`` Sometimes extra cleaning up of usernames is needed in order to fit properly in a project, this setting is used to point to a function that will be called with the current username value, the output will be used as the new username. This method can be called multiple times in case of a collision. The setting value must be in the format of an import path. Extra arguments on auth processes --------------------------------- Some providers accept particular GET parameters that produce different results during the auth process, usually used to show different dialog types (mobile version, etc). You can send extra parameters on auth process by defining settings per backend, example to request Facebook to show Mobile authorization page, define:: SOCIAL_AUTH_FACEBOOK_AUTH_EXTRA_ARGUMENTS = {'display': 'touch'} For other providers, just define settings in the form:: SOCIAL_AUTH__AUTH_EXTRA_ARGUMENTS = {...} Also, you can send extra parameters on request token process by defining settings in the same way explained above but with this other suffix:: SOCIAL_AUTH__REQUEST_TOKEN_EXTRA_ARGUMENTS = {...} Basic information is requested to the different providers in order to create a coherent user instance (with first and last name, email and full name), this could be too intrusive for some sites that want to ask users the minimum data possible. It's possible to override the default values requested by defining any of the following settings, for Open Id providers:: SOCIAL_AUTH__IGNORE_DEFAULT_AX_ATTRS = True SOCIAL_AUTH__AX_SCHEMA_ATTRS = [ (schema, alias) ] For OAuth backends:: SOCIAL_AUTH__IGNORE_DEFAULT_SCOPE = True SOCIAL_AUTH__SCOPE = [ ... ] Processing requests and redirects --------------------------------- The application issues several redirects and API calls. The following settings allow some tweaks to the behavior of these. ``SOCIAL_AUTH_SANITIZE_REDIRECTS = False`` The auth process finishes with a redirect, by default it's done to the value of ``SOCIAL_AUTH_LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL`` but can be overridden with ``next`` GET argument. If this setting is ``True``, this application will vary the domain of the final URL and only redirect to it if it's on the same domain. ``SOCIAL_AUTH_ALLOWED_REDIRECT_HOSTS = ['foo', 'bar']`` To allow redirection to certain domains while keeping the more restrictive ``SOCIAL_AUTH_SANITIZE_REDIRECTS = True`` setting. This will redirect to the ``next`` GET argument if the hostname is on the list, otherwise it defaults to the value of ``SOCIAL_AUTH_LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL``. ``SOCIAL_AUTH_REDIRECT_IS_HTTPS = False`` On projects behind a reverse proxy that uses HTTPS, the redirect URIs can have the wrong schema (``http://`` instead of ``https://``) if the request lacks the appropriate headers, which might cause errors during the auth process. To force HTTPS in the final URIs set this setting to ``True`` ``SOCIAL_AUTH_REQUESTS_TIMEOUT = 10`` Any ``requests.request`` call will be performed with the default timeout value, to change it without affecting the global socket timeout define this setting (the value specifies timeout seconds). ``SOCIAL_AUTH_URLOPEN_TIMEOUT`` Deprecated: this was the old timeout setting before the move to ``requests`` If it's defined, it will be used as the fallback for the above setting. If the above setting is defined, this one will be ignored. ``SOCIAL_AUTH_VERIFY_SSL`` If set, it will be passed as the ``verify`` parameter to ``requests.request`` calls. To learn more, check the `Requests' SSL verification page`_. ``SOCIAL_AUTH_PROXIES`` If set, it will be passed as the ``proxies`` parameter to ``requests.request`` calls. To learn more, check the `Requests' Proxies page`_. Whitelists ---------- Registration can be limited to a set of users identified by their email address or domain name. To white-list just set any of these settings: ``SOCIAL_AUTH__WHITELISTED_DOMAINS = ['', '']`` Supply a list of domain names to be white-listed. Any user with an email address on any of the allowed domains will login successfully, otherwise ``AuthForbidden`` is raised. ``SOCIAL_AUTH__WHITELISTED_EMAILS = ['', '']`` Supply a list of email addresses to be white-listed. Any user with an email address in this list will login successfully, otherwise ``AuthForbidden`` is raised. Miscellaneous settings ---------------------- ``SOCIAL_AUTH_PROTECTED_USER_FIELDS = ['email',]`` During the pipeline process a ``dict`` named ``details`` will be populated with the needed values to create the user instance, but it's also used to update the user instance. Any value in it will be checked as an attribute in the user instance (first by doing ``hasattr(user, name)``). Usually there are attributes that cannot be updated (like ``username``, ``id``, ``email``, etc.), those fields need to be *protect*. Set any field name that requires *protection* in this setting, and it won't be updated. ``SOCIAL_AUTH_IMMUTABLE_USER_FIELDS = ['email',]`` Set any field name that requires *protection* in this setting, and it won't be updated after inital population. This setting is similar to ``SOCIAL_AUTH_PROTECTED_USER_FIELDS`` in that they both do not allow changes of the data - however this one allows it to be set if no prior value exists. An example use case might be an application that seeds data from a social plaform but allows the users to override it locally. ``SOCIAL_AUTH_SESSION_EXPIRATION = False`` By default, user session expiration time will be set by your web framework (in Django, for example, it is set with `SESSION_COOKIE_AGE`_). Some providers return the time that the access token will live, which is stored in ``UserSocialAuth.extra_data`` under the key ``expires``. Changing this setting to True will override your web framework's session length setting and set user session lengths to match the ``expires`` value from the auth provider. ``SOCIAL_AUTH_OPENID_PAPE_MAX_AUTH_AGE = `` Enable `OpenID PAPE`_ extension support by defining this setting. ``SOCIAL_AUTH_FIELDS_STORED_IN_SESSION = ['foo',]`` If you want to store extra parameters from POST or GET in session, like it was made for ``next`` parameter, define this setting with the parameter names. In this case ``foo`` field's value will be stored when user follows this link ``...``. ``SOCIAL_AUTH_PASSWORDLESS = False`` When this setting is ``True`` and ``social_core.pipeline.mail.send_validation`` is enabled, it allows the implementation of a `passwordless authentication mechanism`_. Example of this implementation can be found at psa-passwordless_. ``SOCIAL_AUTH_USER_AGENT = None`` Define the `User-Agent` header value sent to on every request done to the service provider, used when combined with a backend that sets the `SEND_USER_AGENT` property to `True`. Default value is the string `social-auth-`. Account disconnection --------------------- Disconnect is an side-effect operation and should be done by POST method only, some CSRF protection is encouraged (and enforced on Django app). Ensure that any call to `/disconnect//` or `/disconnect///` is done using POST. ``SOCIAL_AUTH_REVOKE_TOKENS_ON_DISCONNECT = False`` When disconnecting an account, it is recommended to trigger a token revoke action in the authentication provider, that way we inform it that the token won't be used anymore and can be disposed. By default the action is not triggered because it's not a common option on every provider, and tokens should be disposed automatically after a short time. .. _OpenID PAPE: .. _Installation: ../installing.html .. _Backends: ../backends/index.html .. _OAuth: .. _passwordless authentication mechanism: .. _psa-passwordless: .. _SESSION_COOKIE_AGE: .. _a set of regular expressions: .. _Requests' SSL verification page: .. _Requests' Proxies page: