Pyramid Framework ================= Pyramid_ reusable applications are tricky (or I'm not capable enough). Here are details on how to enable this application on Pyramid. Dependencies ------------ The `Pyramid app`_ depends on sqlalchemy_, there's no support for others ORMs yet but pull-requests are welcome. Installing ---------- From pypi_:: $ pip install social-auth-app-pyramid Enabling the application ------------------------ The application can be scanned by ``Configurator.scan()``, also it defines an ``includeme()`` in the ```` file which will add the needed routes to your application configuration. To scan it just add:: config.include('social_pyramid') config.scan('social_pyramid') Models Setup ------------ At the moment the models for python-social-auth_ are defined inside a function because they need the reference to the current DB instance and the User model used on your project (check *User model reference* below). Once the Pyramid application configuration and database are defined, call ``init_social`` to register the models:: from social_pyramid.models import init_social init_social(config, Base, DBSession) So far I wasn't able to find another way to define the models on another way rather than making it as a side-effect of calling this function since the database is not available and ``current_app`` cannot be used on initialization time, just run time. User model reference -------------------- The application keeps a reference to the User model used by your project, define it by using this setting:: SOCIAL_AUTH_USER_MODEL = 'foobar.models.User' The value must be the import path to the User model. Global user ----------- The application expects the current logged in user accessible at ``request.user``, the example application ensures that with this hander:: def get_user(request): user_id = request.session.get('user_id') if user_id: user = DBSession.query(User)\ .filter( == user_id)\ .first() else: user = None return user The handler is added to the configuration doing:: config.add_request_method('example.auth.get_user', 'user', reify=True) This is just a simple example, probably your project does it in a better way. User login ---------- Since the application doesn't make any assumption on how you are going to login the users, you need to specify it. In order to do that, define these settings:: SOCIAL_AUTH_LOGIN_FUNCTION = 'example.auth.login_user' SOCIAL_AUTH_LOGGEDIN_FUNCTION = 'example.auth.login_required' The first one must accept the strategy used and the user instance that was created or retrieved from the database, there you can set the user id in the session or cookies or whatever place used later to retrieve the id again and load the user from the database (check the snippet above in *Global User*). The second one is used to ensure that there's a user logged in when calling the disconnect view. It must accept a ``User`` instance and return ``True`` or ``Flase``. Check the auth.py_ in the example application for details on how it's done there. Social auth in templates context -------------------------------- To access the social instances related to a user in the template context, you can do so by accessing the ``social_auth`` attribute in the user instance::
  • ${social.provider}
  • Also you can add the backends (associated and not associated to a user) by enabling this context function in your project:: from import subscriber, BeforeRender from social_pyramid.utils import backends @subscriber(BeforeRender) def add_social(event): request = event['request'] event.update(backends(request, request.user)) That will load a dict with entries:: { 'associated': [...], 'not_associated': [...], 'backends': [...] } The ``associated`` key will have all the associated ``UserSocialAuth`` instances related to the given user. ``not_associated`` will have the backends names not associated and backends will have all the enabled backends names. .. _Pyramid: .. _python-social-auth: .. _Pyramid app: .. _sqlalchemy: .. .. _pypi: