CherryPy Framework ================== CherryPy framework is supported, it works but I'm sure there's room for improvements. The implementation uses SQLAlchemy as ORM and expects some values accessible on ``cherrypy.request`` for it to work. At the moment the configuration is expected on ``cherrypy.config`` but ideally it should be an application configuration instead. Expected values are: ``cherrypy.request.user`` Current logged in user, load it in your application on a ``before_handler`` handler. ``cherrypy.request.db`` Current database session, again, load it in your application on a ``before_handler``. Dependencies ------------ The `CherryPy application` depends on sqlalchemy_, there's no support for others ORMs yet. Installing ---------- From pypi_:: $ pip install social-auth-app-cherrypy Enabling the application ------------------------ The application is defined on ``social_cherrypy.views.CherryPyPSAViews``, register it in the preferred way for your project. Check the rest of the docs for the other settings like enabling authentication backends and backends keys. Models Setup ------------ The models are located in ``social_cherrypy.models``. A reference to your ``User`` model is required to be defined in the project settings, it should be an import path, for example:: cherrypy.config.update({ 'SOCIAL_AUTH_USER_MODEL': 'models.User' }) Login mechanism --------------- By default the application sets the session value ``user_id``, this is a simple solution and it should be improved, if you want to provider your own login mechanism you can do it by defining the ``SOCIAL_AUTH_LOGIN_METHOD`` setting, it should be an import path to a callable, like this:: SOCIAL_AUTH_USER_MODEL = 'app.login_user' And an example of this function:: def login_user(strategy, user): strategy.session_set('user_id', Then, ensure to load the user in your application at ``cherrypy.request.user``, for example:: def load_user(): user_id = cherrypy.session.get('user_id') if user_id: cherrypy.request.user = cherrypy.request.db.query(User).get(user_id) else: cherrypy.request.user = None = cherrypy.Tool('before_handler', load_user) .. _CherryPy built-in app: .. _sqlalchemy: .. _pypi: