Twitter ======= Twitter offers per application keys named ``Consumer Key`` and ``Consumer Secret``. To enable Twitter these two keys are needed. Further documentation at `Twitter development resources`_: - Register a new application at `Twitter App Creation`_, - Check the **Allow this application to be used to Sign in with Twitter** checkbox. If you don't check this box, Twitter will force your user to login every time. - Fill **Consumer Key** and **Consumer Secret** values:: SOCIAL_AUTH_TWITTER_KEY = '' SOCIAL_AUTH_TWITTER_SECRET = '' - You need to specify an URL callback or the OAuth will raise a "403 Client Error". The callback URL should be something like "" - You can request user's Email address (consult `Twitter verify credentials`_), the parameter is sent automatically, but the applicaton needs to be whitelisted in order to get a valid value. - You’ll need to apply for Elevated access via the Developer Portal, see `Twitter access levels`_ for more info. Twitter usually fails with a 401 error when trying to call the request-token URL, this is usually caused by server datetime errors (check miscellaneous section). Installing ``ntp`` and syncing the server date with some pool does the trick. .. _Twitter development resources: .. _Twitter App Creation: .. _Twitter verify credentials: .. _Twitter access levels: