SimpleLogin =========== SimpleLogin uses OAuth 2.0 for Authentication. - On your project settings, you should add SimpleLogin on your ``AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS``:: AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ( ... 'social_core.backends.simplelogin.SimpleLoginOAuth2', ) - Register a new app at `SimpleLogin App`_. By default, SimpleLogin whitelists ``localhost`` so your app should work locally. Please set the callback URL to ```` replacing ```` with your domain when you deploy your web app to production. - Add these values of ``Client ID`` and ``Client Secret`` from SimpleLogin in your project settings file. The ``Client ID`` should be added on ``SOCIAL_AUTH_SIMPLELOGIN_KEY`` and the ``Client Secret`` should be added on ``SOCIAL_AUTH_SIMPLELOGIN_SECRET``:: SOCIAL_AUTH_SIMPLELOGIN_KEY = 'client-id' SOCIAL_AUTH_SIMPLELOGIN_SECRET = 'very-secret' .. _SimpleLogin App: