OIDC (OpenID Connect) ===================== The OIDC_ backend allows authentication against a generic OIDC provider. The backend class is `OpenIdConnectAuth` with name `oidc`. A minimum configuration is:: SOCIAL_AUTH_OIDC_OIDC_ENDPOINT = 'https://.....' SOCIAL_AUTH_OIDC_KEY = '' SOCIAL_AUTH_OIDC_SECRET = '' The remaining configuration will be auto-detected, by fetching:: /.well-known/openid-configuration This class can be used standalone, but is also the base class for some other backends. Username -------- The OIDC_ backend will check for a ``preferred_username`` key in the values returned by the server. If the username is under a different key, this can be overridden:: SOCIAL_AUTH_OIDC_USERNAME_KEY = 'nickname' This setting indicates that the username should be populated by the ``nickname`` claim instead. Scopes ------ The default set of scopes requested are "openid", "profile" and "email". You can request additional claims, for example:: SOCIAL_AUTH_OIDC_SCOPE = ['groups'] and you can prevent the inclusion of the default scopes using:: SOCIAL_AUTH_OIDC_IGNORE_DEFAULT_SCOPE = True .. _OIDC: https://openid.net/connect/