Odnoklassniki.ru ================ There are two options with Odnoklassniki: either you use OAuth2 workflow to authenticate odnoklassniki users at external site, or you authenticate users within your IFrame application. OAuth2 ------ If you use OAuth2 workflow, you need to: - register a new application with `OAuth registration form`_ - fill out some settings:: SOCIAL_AUTH_ODNOKLASSNIKI_OAUTH2_KEY = '' SOCIAL_AUTH_ODNOKLASSNIKI_OAUTH2_SECRET = '' SOCIAL_AUTH_ODNOKLASSNIKI_OAUTH2_PUBLIC_NAME = '' - add ``'social_core.backends.odnoklassniki.OdnoklassnikiOAuth2'`` into your ``SOCIAL_AUTH_AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS``. IFrame applications ------------------- If you want to authenticate users in your IFrame application, - read `Rules for application developers`_ - fill out `Developers registration form`_ - get your personal sandbox - fill out some settings:: SOCIAL_AUTH_ODNOKLASSNIKI_APP_KEY = '' SOCIAL_AUTH_ODNOKLASSNIKI_APP_SECRET = '' SOCIAL_AUTH_ODNOKLASSNIKI_APP_PUBLIC_NAME = '' - add ``'social_core.backends.odnoklassniki.OdnoklassnikiApp'`` into your ``SOCIAL_AUTH_AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS`` - sign a public offer and do some bureaucracy You may also use:: SOCIAL_AUTH_ODNOKLASSNIKI_APP_EXTRA_USER_DATA_LIST Defaults to empty tuple, for the list of available fields see `Documentation on user.getInfo`_ .. _OAuth registration form: https://apiok.ru/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=42476652 .. _Rules for application developers: https://apiok.ru/wiki/display/ok/Odnoklassniki.ru+Third+Party+Platform .. _Developers registration form: https://apiok.ru/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=5668937 .. _Documentation on user.getInfo: https://apiok.ru/wiki/display/ok/REST+API+-+users.getInfo