OAuth ===== OAuth_ communication demands a set of keys exchange to validate the client authenticity prior to user approbation. Twitter, and Facebook facilitates these keys by application registration, Google works the same, but provides the option for unregistered applications. Check next sections for details. OAuth_ backends also can store extra data in ``UserSocialAuth.extra_data`` field by defining a set of values names to retrieve from service response. Settings is per backend and its name is dynamically checked using uppercase backend name as prefix:: SOCIAL_AUTH__EXTRA_DATA Example:: SOCIAL_AUTH_FACEBOOK_EXTRA_DATA = [(..., ...)] Settings must be a list of tuples mapping value name in response and value alias used to store. A third value (boolean) is supported, its purpose is to signal if the value should be discarded if it evaluates to ``False``, this is to avoid replacing old (needed) values when they don't form part of current response. If not present, then this check is avoided and the value will replace any data. .. _OAuth: http://oauth.net/