NGP VAN ActionID ================ `NGP VAN`_'s ActionID_ service provides an OpenID 1.1 endpoint, which provides first name, last name, email address, and phone number. ActionID doesn't require major settings beside being defined on ``AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS`` .. code-block:: python SOCIAL_AUTH_AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ( ... 'social_core.backends.ngpvan.ActionIDOpenID', ... ) If you want to be able to access the "phone" attribute offered by NGP VAN within ``extra_data`` you can add the following to your settings: .. code-block:: python SOCIAL_AUTH_ACTIONID_OPENID_AX_EXTRA_DATA = [ ('', 'phone') ] NGP VAN offers the ability to have your domain whitelisted, which will disable the "{domain} is requesting a link to your ActionID" warning when your app attempts to login using an ActionID account. Contact `NGP VAN Developer Support`_ for more information .. _NGP VAN: .. _ActionID: .. _NGP VAN Developer Support: