Grafana ======= Grafana works similar to Facebook (OAuth). - On your project settings, you should add Grafana on your ``AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS``:: AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ( ... 'social_core.backends.grafana.GrafanaOAuth2', ) - Register a new application at `Grafana Cloud Portal` in by doing `My Account → SECURITY → OAuth Clients → Add OAuth Client Application`. Set any name and in URL just the domain, without any path. - Copy `client_id` and `client_secret` and add these values in your project settings file. The ``client_id`` should be added on ``SOCIAL_AUTH_GRAFANA_KEY`` and the ``client_secret`` should be added on ``SOCIAL_AUTH_GRAFANA_SECRET``:: SOCIAL_AUTH_GRAFANA_KEY = 'a1b2c3d4' SOCIAL_AUTH_GRAFANA_SECRET = 'e5f6g7h8i9' - The default scope is ```['profile', 'email']``` but it's possible to define it in settings with:: SOCIAL_AUTH_GRAFANA_SCOPE = [...]