Etsy OAuth2 ============================= Etsy supports the `OAuth 2.0`_ protocol using Authorization code with `Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE)`_ flow. Configuration -------------- 1. Register a new `Application Link`_ in your Etsy Account. 2. Fill *Client ID* in ``SOCIAL_AUTH_ETSY_OAUTH2_KEY`` in your project settings:: SOCIAL_AUTH_ETSY_OAUTH2_KEY = "..." Note: *Client Secret* isn't required via this flow. 3. Enable the backend:: SOCIAL_AUTH_AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ( ... "social_core.backends.etsy.EtsyOAuth2", ... ) Extra Configuration -------------------- - You can specify the scope that your application requires:: SOCIAL_AUTH_ETSY_OAUTH2_SCOPE = ["shops_r", "shops_w", ...] You can see all possible values at `Etsy OAuth 2.0 provider API Scopes`_. - You can specify PKCE challenge method:: SOCIAL_AUTH_ETSY_OAUTH2_PKCE_CODE_CHALLENGE_METHOD = '...' The possible value for this is only ``S256`` which is set by default. You can see more information about PKCE at `RFC7636`_. .. _OAuth 2.0: .. _Application Link: .. _Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE): .. _RFC7636: .. _Etsy OAuth 2.0 provider API Scopes: